Preventive program lasted from January 2015 to 30.06.2015, where 1035 children went through. This year 2015 {from January to December 2015} we plan 1465 children to go through. So we fill up planned milestones for year 2015 {January to December 2015}. Project was running late, that’s why we changed the plan.
Setting new initiatives in order for the development of the playgroup, in the operational plan it states 4 objectives to be met in 2013/2014. I have met 3 of these objectives as 1 of them is out of my
Justify why you chose your milestones. (Hint: use milestones from the scope statement or look for key merge or burst activities.)
Program planning is a process to achieve a particular goal and/or mission. Program planning is an organized process through which a set of coordinated activities or interventions is developed to address and facilitate change in some or all of the identified problems. Program evaluation provides useful information for improving the programs and the service delivery systems. Program evaluation is to improve the program planning, effectiveness, design, and efficiency. The two are different processes, but ideally they hold the same goals and/or mission. The evaluation process takes place after the planning of a
* The project development schedule had to be revised numerous times from an initial estimate of 5500 working person days.
The command sponsors an Employee/Soldier safety brief checklist for new employees and new assigned Soldiers to the command. The checklist identifies the following elements, POV Safety Requirements, Accidents and Emergencies, Job Hazards, Safety Information, HazCom/HazMat, Army Motor Vehicle Safety, and Motor Maintenance Safety Briefing. This is an effective AdHoc program for the commands safety and health management program which provides focus areas each Employees/Soldiers must be aware. It identifies Employees/Soldier on their knowledge and ability to perform certain actions if appointed and it provides expectations in case of an emergency or mishap in all work areas. Moreover, it provides management and leaders as to the capabilities
I support the Sentinel program that has been created on the Southeastern University Campus. This program creates multiple responses to an active shooter on a campus. In these types of situations minutes do matter in the time it takes law enforcement to respond to these incidents. If you have an armed Officer on campus the response time is cut in half. This allows the Officer to intervene in a bad situation. I also support the things given in the presentation: Call boxes, Automated text alerts, and selected faculty being armed. It is unfortunate that we have these types of situations happening on College campuses today. We need to find ways to help these students before they become active shooters.
there were over 400 participants and they expect to have over a thousand by 2020. In addition to
Over six million children
Set an ambitious but not overly optimistic target completion date, according to resources invested and management’s targets. In case of delays, readjust target completion date.
Overall, I found this program that Stuart Shanker is operating and advocating as a positive. Shanker believes that if a student has high stress it will cause high energy burning. The resulting effects are that it starts to shut down various functions such as digestion, cellular repair, immune system, and the front of the brain. Due to the shutting down of the front of the brain equals a harder time for self control and learning. Therefore, it becomes logical for students to be able find ways to self-regulate the stresses that arise from school. Within the podcast, the one student who's favourite activity is building and being in forts. Therefore, when this student felt overwhelmed he could go into his fort and block everything out. Shanker
Consequently, Target exceeded only 10 of its 20 goals, but a few goals were shy of the actual goals set (See Successes, Challenges, and Setbacks). “We fell short in more places than we would have liked…we’ll look at our material issues, our resources and the business and societal changes we’d like to see to inform the goals and metrics we set for the future” (Target, 2015).
I. Open with Impact: About 15,270 children ages 19 or under will be diagnosed with cancer this year. (National Cancer Institute, 2017)
The Alert Program is an intervention used to increase self-awareness and readjust arousal levels to optimize functioning. This intervention is most useful for students with attention or learning difficulties but can also be used for children with anxiety issues. According to Therapy Works Inc., the program helps children identify what sooths and triggers changes in their arousal states. A study by Barnes et al. (2003) found that most public schools that supported OT for students with emotional disturbances reported using the Alert Program.
The estimated project completion date is TUE 11/13/13 with duration of 127 days. After leveling and re-allocating work along the project line, the project got delayed for 3 days so that the completion day moved up to FRI 11/21/13 (total duration of 130 days). (MS Project 2007)
The program that this student has designed and will test will not be in a “corporate” type building, it will be conducted within a classroom inside of a public school. This program will be centered on the idea in which both teachers and school administrators come together in helping to truly create a better future through their students, our future. In this classroom volunteers, teachers and therapists will meet to discuss the performance of children in that school. These volunteers would also help collect food and distribute this food to the children in need and their families. This classroom would be the base for educating both teachers and school administrators about healthy boundary crossings, such as when is it appropriate