Process Improvement
1) General Process Improvement
a) Use of Various tools
I believe that bugzilla was one the best tools I used during the Software Engineering course this semester. It really helped me to keep a track of the bugs and fix them in an orderly manner. Microsoft project was another tool which helped the whole team and more importantly it helped me to plan the project two weeks ahead. This really helped my team to stay on track and complete the bi-weekly assigned tasks. Visual Paradigm helped me really think of out of the box while designing the use case and sequence diagrams. COINCOMO was another tool which helped me to understand about cost and size estimation.
I believe that a brief
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Supannika Koolmanojwong had the patience to go through each and every slide in detail and ensured that the class understood the course material well. The TA’s were very approachable and friendly during the allocated office hours.
Suggestions/ Improvements:
Nupul and Daniel have done a fantastic job as teaching assistants and helped the students in issues ranging from project work to individual assignments. It would be great if an additional TA is included for the course. This would help in students getting quicker response to their doubts and would also lessen the burden on Nupul and Daniel.
d) Evaluation:
The Mid-semester and End-semester evaluation gave us a chance to review the team members. It helped us to find our strengths and shortcomings as individuals. This was a good way to overcome our weakness and ensure that the same mistakes are not committed again. This helped to regroup as team ensured that everyone was a winner after the completion of the project.
I believe it’s a good idea to request the client of the project to review the students as well. This would enable the CSCI 577A faculty to know if the student team is doing a good job and they could give a gentle hint for a particular student to pick up his/her performance if required.
e) Assignments:
The Pre-class assignments enabled us to read and learn about the latest development in the field of software engineering. We learned about the mistakes made in the
A team progress report to your instructor explaining what your team accomplished during the week, challenges your team faced, and potential approaches to the Final Learning Team Project
My studies in computer studies over the past few days had me discontented in the beginning and joyous with a shared determination by Saturday afternoon. I opened the learning guide for the weeks working session starting June 25 and ending July 1st for a quick glance of the topics and the requirements for successfully completing this unit work. From the onset, when I viewed the assignment, I asked myself what made me choose this course so early. I began doubting myself and my true potential without reading the full details and the literature associated with it. Off course this will not help me complete this assignment.
Ms. Fugate is my Student Teacher and she can help you if you have any questions. She has not taken over any classes yet nor has she served enough of her internship, so she cannot take on any teaching responsibilities, but she can assist you. She will probably spend most of her time preparing for her Student Teaching.
Matthew is a conscientious, hard-working student. He has been very dedicated this year to learning each topic in the course especially programming. This level of commitment will no doubt give great dividends in the future. He is very good at meeting deadlines, and he always does his work to a high standard. All he needs now to gain endorsement in this subject is complete the externally marked Computer Science report to a high standard.
Fifth, incorporate an evaluation team to assess the outcome of the problem to assure; the needs of the program are met. Always stay focus.
It is important that we start the class at this time, so we examine the mistakes and the advances that were made. We learn exactly how they were thinking and what their goal
During the coursework I have completed various semester project which helped me learning multiple programming languages, networking concepts, trouble shooting skills and communication skills.
Evaluation is an assessment of something or making an observation of the outcome whether good or bad. An example of evaluating is after the Year 8 disco, was the year 8 pupil’s filing out an evaluation form on how they thought the event went. There are many different ways to evaluate such as minutes of meeting, questionnaires, post-event papers and circulation list.
By doing Module 1 of this course I had opportunity to think about my career as a teacher. In order for me to improve learners’ learning I have to create for them appropriate environment using different teaching strategies in which every learner feels respected and safe. Learners need to know that learning has a purpose and what they are learning it is relevant to their lives. Also it is important to provide them with feedback regarding their progress on what they are trying to achieve, how far they are from the goal that was set. And how to achieve all I have to keep on trying new things and improving teaching skills. The actual teaching, classes I attended for this course gave me opportunity to better myself as a teacher. I learned about teaching principals from our teaching classes, later applied my knowledge in my actual teaching practice and also learned about teaching ideas through the web. From all these I understood that my development as a teacher should never end because teaching is a part of a life-long
The project had regular meetings with the team members. These meetings were used to evaluate the progress of the project. At these meetings we evaluated the project. We also discussed how to proceed in order to plan our upcoming activities.
During the school visit, many of the teachers expressed the high expectations they have not only for the students, but for themselves also. They used methods and resources, which engage students’ interest and accelerate their progress as well. Students are provided with interesting tasks and activities, which stimulate higher order thinking skills. The relationships are excellent and students respond to their teachers as well. As far as assessment, students of all abilities are addressed equable along with self-assessment and peer group assessment. The teachers are pleased with their strong curriculum, therefore; they are successful in motivating students and developing their independent learning and personal qualities. In addition, the quality of leadership and management is outstanding. The principal has distributed leadership responsibilities effectively throughout the staff; consequently, there is effective teamwork in within the school activities and staff turnover is
It helps the company ensure that each and every employee’s objectives are still on track with your company’s goals. These evaluations can also improve employee engagement, most employees would like to know how well they are doing at their jobs. Overall, these evaluations are helpful to both you and the company in improving where both you and the company are lacking. Though, it may be tedious, please understand that these performance evaluations are necessary for all employees.
Moving ahead to the middle of this course has me feeling confident in my ability to define computer terms in various business situations. In addition to this, the INFT124 class also helps me remember the names of basic computer parts and it also helps me competently explain how computers function. These activities also help me advance my computer knowledge, experience and competencies so I know how to complete challenging academic tasks.
For the first Electronics Project, my team worked together to build a circuit and used a Multimeter to measure multiple elements of the circuit. There were three tasks, one assigned to each member of the group. There was a task assigned to each group member: Circuit builder, measurer, and the data collector/calculator. Because of this group collaboration, we were able to work quickly and efficiently to get the project done on time. This project was definitely a learning experience for all of us because this was the first time we had been expected to build a circuit. We worked together and followed the instructions step by step. The measurements we were expected to take included resistance, voltage, and current which is what the data collector used to calculate theoretical values for the upcoming measurements.
Overall, I am satisfied with how well my group worked together during the community assessment portion of the project. We did well because we were all committed to the project. Moreover, at almost all of our meetings and community visits, members showed up on time and prepared. Some parts of our assessment were more comprehensive then