
Procurement Strategy for a Construction Project Essays

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1.0 Introduction To select a suitable procurement strategy for a construction project, there are some issues which need to consider. From all of those issues, there are 3 big issues that mainly affect the selection decision which are time, cost and quality. There is several type of procurement strategy available in market that commonly used for construction project and each of the common method will be analyze and compare to find the most appropriate method for this project. The choice of procurement strategy is very important to the success of a construction project. Therefore, the characteristic of each strategy have to analyze and also its relative advantages and disadvantages. A recommendation of most appropriate procurement …show more content…

Restricted/Selective Tendering : Only those contractor company with tender invitation can submit tender. Negotiated Tendering : available in two forms • competitive – available with limited condition in the regulation, client can negotiate the term of contract with tenderer • without a call of competition – only available with the most special condition in the regulation 3.0 Conclusion Each of the procurement strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages. In order to get the most suitable strategy for this particular project, it is necessary to look for the background of the project. Other than that, the appropriate type of tendering also has to be select for this construction project. Both procurement strategy and

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