
Professional Development Assignment : Module 3

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Professional Development Assignment: Module 3
Avelena-Rose Ortega RN
Aspen University

Professional Development Assignment: Module 3
This module’s assignment focus is on the development of a plan for my local school district regarding effective discipline. I will be using primary prevention in plan creation for prevention of bullying in the youth population in the Tijeras, NM school district. The activities and objectives will be discussed and a plan to evaluate this projects and its effectiveness will be explored. I will explain the steps I would take to evaluate how well a health agency is meeting the needs of the population it serves. The summary of my findings will be presented in a summary report format. A case study …show more content…

Write a summary of the report that you would present to the voluntary agency. In following the CDC’s framework for evaluating program; I will outline how well the voluntary health agency is meeting its target population 's needs. Several questions to be asked include purpose of the evaluation, client’s need met in the context of the program, extent of its political considerations, program equitableness, and any problems with access to their services, timeliness and satisfaction. (Clark, 2015) I would conduct surveys, data analysis, and an evaluation of empowerment. (Clark, 2015) Data sources I would use are the agency’s internal records, public health reports and independent surveys, this will be done collaboratively with both the population and those evaluating. (Clark, 2015) The findings should be compared with benchmarks or criteria. (Clark, 2015)The findings will then be translated into language that will be shared with stakeholders. (Clark, 2015)

Chapter 15 Case Study
This case study discusses various assessments and health issues in a small mining town in New Mexico. The many factors that influence the health of this community include the lack of education for many of its residents, lack of access to health care services including preventative services, low income of 75% of the population, the negative health effects of working in the mines, lack of

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