Interesting, enlightening, morally and physically intriguing. These are all ways I could describe this course. To begin, one thing I am truly looking forward to in this subject is the development into adulthood (considering I am in that petrifying section of life). I would like to learn simply because life is confusing. Not so much of physical attributes, but the maturing of the mind and cognitive process. Hearing the perspective of Professor Stellmach what her having a child in each “category” of maturing is very insightful hearing some things I did and some things I might still do. Continuing, the most interesting moment has been in two parts; a crazy part, and a very insightful part. Probably the craziest thing I have heard is a guy’s
I liked everything about this course. The seminars, study plans, and the weekly discussions help
making him less human. Even though Jurgis makes money from his work, it is not enough to
Have you ever read three stories that are amazedly surprising? and that you can compare to. Have you ever thought about character or personality or your conflict or your setting? Well that is what will be talked about to and have you ever come up with a theme for each story and compare it? I have noticed in the pages of the text that was read that there were literary elements, one of the stories that I read is called, “liberty” by Julia Aivarez.
I am an independent learner, so this course is perfectly suited for my learning style. However, I find that I am somewhat of an auditory learner. Reading subject matter that I
There was such a variety of topics covered in this course and I wish that I had taken it in a classroom instead of online. With this online course, I feel like the material went a little too quickly. If I were in a classroom setting, I feel that
The class has helped to enhance my research and communication skills. For example, one of the assignments in the class was to do an interdisciplinary humanities critical analysis essay after reading the article “An Interpretation of Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam Based on Neuroanatomy” by Dr. Frank Meshberger. The article is a combination of three different disciplines; art when the Michelangelo’s masterpiece is analyzed, religious studies when talking about God and Adam, and anatomy when addressing the background shapes painted behind the form of God, giving the impression of an image of the human brain. Some individuals might get a little nervous at the beginning of the class, because not many people know what to expect from Interdisciplinary Inquiry. I am glad I took this class, because it gave me the tools to be a better Liberal Arts student and continue to progress towards my
I must admit that I have always looked at this type of course as being a complete waste of time. After taking the Learning Connections Inventory, I've discovered that I'm a Dynamic Learner according to the results of the questionnaire. It's totally shed some light on the how, what, when and why of my success and failures in my educational as well as personal and professional life.
Over the course of this class I have pieced together many things about my own life that before went unnoticed. I am now able to see things in a bit of a different light. Now that I have been introduced to the realm of psychology I understand some of the reasons for behavior around me. I have learned that there is a reason for most everything and a lot of our behaviors and mental processes can be explained through psychology. Studies have been conducted for many years to try and pinpoint the source of our behavior and it is not something that most people think about every day. Having a better understanding of why we operate the way we do will help me to better understand myself and the others around me.
If I were to describe this course to a friend I would say this class is more than what anyone expects and is extremely eye-opening. It is not like a normal studies class, where it has boring content. It has content that is insightful and allows you to really think about the issues at hand. I would encourage a friend to take it because it is not only a fun class but very informative. I would prepare them for the reality of this class. This class does not just touch the surface of issues we have in society, but it goes much deeper.
Turns out the least helpful section of this course in my opinion was the chapter on actively reading. I have always been an avid reader and I’ve never had a problem with reading comprehension so most of the information and reading strategies that were presented in the text just sounded redundant and didn’t seem to apply to me. There isn’t much I would change about the course except for maybe the length of some writing assignments.
In summary, this course has really educated my view of being a teacher as well as being able to interact with today’s diverse and fluctuating educational setting. Therefore, the discussions were very good ways in understanding how
I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style.
One thing I found especially interesting about the class what when we watched 18 Ways to Make a Baby. It is amazing how far technology has come and what all we are capable of doing to help unfortunate families wanting to bear a child. I was even able to let my Child Development teacher from high school know about the video and now it's something she wants to add to her teaching curriculum. It was also fun making the collage. It took quite some time to do, but I learned so much. I had to go online to look up pictures, and when I did, I stumbled across very interesting information. I was glad we had choices for the assignment. Everyone learns different; some by reading, some by seeing, some by reading, and some by doing. The internet assignments were also something that I enjoyed because it gave me the chance to surf the web to learn more about stuff I had learned in high school. I got to see other people's views and better understand many of the concepts taught in class. I don't really think there were any subjects that were too difficult for me to understand. Most of what I learned was a review of high school Child Development. The main differences were that we didn't take home a fake baby that cried and we went more in
Leading up into the class I was both bit nervous and excited, since this was the first time in years that I haven’t taken a class outside of my particular major. As I was going through the course schedule, I had in my mind that I did not just want to take any old class just because I need it to graduate. So I came across developmental psychology and thought to myself that this would be a good fit because I enjoy learning about other people. Once class started, I was a little confused about how it the class was going to be, since I already had the thought in my head that I was going to be learning about people older in age. After understanding more about what I was going to learn from this class, I became much more excited because this is actually affecting me in my personal life now, as my wife is pregnant and due in December. I thought this was a great pre baby learning experience for myself, since each week I had the ability to learn everything from development, prenatal development, physical development, intelligence, temperament and attachment, gender role development, and development of the family.
There is a lot of things that I have learned about myself in the past few weeks of this course. I have learned many things about myself that I would have never known if it was not for this course. I have learned about my; self concept, attitudes and feelings. I have also learned about social influence, group dynamics and relationships. I learned about myself and how to describe the way that I am and the way that I think.