
Program Evaluation Case Study

Decent Essays

Review of Performance and Processes
The end of another school year has come and it is now an appropriate time to look over the past year’s performance and processes in order to take steps in the direction of positive change for the coming year. It is vital that a school reviews its performance yearly in order to always be looking forward, progressing, and making the positive changes needed in order to reach the goal of student achievement. This case study school has a document that comes from the district which asks for a review of the year based on the data from various sources through the year. This instrument for review is the school-wide Title I program evaluation. Since this school is a full Title I school, we have to report our …show more content…

Analyzing data is a critical component for reviewing the performance and processes of a school. There are several ways this school goes about analyzing their performance and processes. First, all during the school year teachers are meeting each Monday morning in grade level or whole faculty PLCs in order to analyze performance of students and processes teachers are using to teach students what they need to know. The groups analyze test data, progress monitoring probes, intervention successes or failures and make data driven decisions about next steps. Additionally, near the end of the year the faculty participates in reviewing and analyzing data collected from the Title I evaluation process. This is an opportunity for the staff as a whole to analyze strengths and weaknesses of the school and what steps can be taken to improve next year’s performance and/or processes. Finally, this year the entire district went through a process called an Organizational Health Inventory (OHI). The OHI survey results were shared at the final faculty meeting of the year. The results showed that this school has a high level of morale and a culture for learning that is strong. However, the area of weakness that was gathered from analyzing the data is that we need to be better at making goals and then working to accomplish them. This process of analyzing data from all of our input was

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