
Project Management : A Project

Good Essays

1. What is project and project management?..................................................................2
2. Example of project mismanagement..………………………………………………………………………2
3. Atlassian buying Trello, a tool for project management..………………………………………....2
4. Slacks’ new launch – Slack Enterprise Grid………………..……………………………………………..3
5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…3
6. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

What is project and project management?
As per the definition, a project is a “temporary endeavour undertaken to achieve a unique purpose” (Schwalbe, 2014 p.4). It is developed through progressive elaboration and requires resources from different areas. On the other …show more content…

The consequence of being behind in schedule meant an increase in cost of the project. The project initial cost estimation was approximately 6.4 billion pounds however poor management has increased it to close to 10 billion pounds (Syal, 2014). The project failure clearly outlines the importance of taking into account all the parameters affecting the project.
Atlassian buying Trello, a tool for project management
Software industries like Atlassian are aware of the significance of project management in the functioning of organisations (King, 2017). Appendix 1 outlines Atlassian buying Trello, a collaborative digital whiteboard. Trello is known as a social task management, meaning it is a software tool for collaborative work, especially used for organising. Organising, along with other parameters including equipment, time and cost is important in project management. It is important since it contributes to smooth functioning of project as well as keeping the progress of the project within the boundaries of the triple constraints. Trello is used as a project management tool as it is good for visualizing the overall project and also track progress. This concept of organising and tracking progress is fundamental in project management in order to efficiently and effectively complete a project within the

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