
Proposal for a Fitness Center in TI Essay

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Proposal for a Fitness Center in TI

An on-site fitness center for Texas Instruments will prove to be advantageous to the company as well as its employees. Studies show that employees who exercise regularly are more productive, efficient, and pleasant to work with. Texas Instruments has the capability to increase employee retention, recruitment, and revenues by investing in a fitness center through Health Fitness Corporation.

Health Fitness Corporation provides on-site fitness centers for numerous prestigious companies such as Best Buy and Federal Express. The positive relationships and results have more than qualified Health Fitness Corporation to provide Texas Instruments with a unique facility, designed to meet all of their …show more content…

Among the many contributions to the success of Texas Instruments is its involvement in providing the United States with the equipment to remain the most technologically advanced nation. Success like this is a result of hard work on the part of the management as well as the employees. With the rapid advancement of technology, however, America lost track of a few more important aspects of living such as health. The year 2004 has presented itself with a bang. More and more Americans are coming to the realization that good health is the key to living “the good life”. A great deal of significance is being placed on the health and wellbeing of our country as a whole. In order to maintain a healthy, hardworking staff, Texas Instruments must ensure that each employee is performing to the best of their ability.


Healthy employees have been proven to be more productive and efficient to the company for which they work. With this knowledge, various companies, including Texas Instruments’ competitor, Casio, have built on-site health centers for employees. After doing so, Casio experienced steady growth and increased employee satisfaction. Texas Instruments is missing out on this opportunity for growth and extended employee

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