
Psychological Aspects Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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In this paper I look at psychological aspects within the study of willpower which can be used to improve and strengthen existing cognitive behavioral therapy techniques. I 'm specifically interested in applying empirically supported self-control concepts which will serve to fortify the willpower of patients and make the therapy more effective overall. First I will cover the basic foundations of cognitive behavioral therapy, then I will give several examples of relevant willpower constructs, establish their basis in psychological research, and highlight their potential applications to CBT. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a class of psychotherapy which involves self-monitoring of how we individually think and how our thoughts ultimately affect our feelings and behavior. This monitoring is used to illuminate certain maladaptive, irrational, and biased beliefs in order to lessen their negative, possibly recursive effect on behavior stemming from emotions like anger, anxiety and depression. During therapy, counselors work with clients to give insight on their patterns of thinking, identify flawed connections, and address them using examples of empirical evidence and logic.

Research has shown that people who are past-focused have higher satisfaction but lower motivation about their goals, while people who are future-focused have lower satisfaction but higher motivation toward their goals. In a study by Dr. Ayelet Fishbach, a Korean agency was divided and asked to reflect

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