
Psychological Autobiography Examples

Decent Essays

8,989 miles, that is the distance that separates me from a huge part of who i am. I was born in Zimbabwe, Africa. My dad moved to the USA when i was about four or five to have a chance of the “American Dream.” He lived in the states on his own so that we would join him later. Four years later in 2009 the rest of the family joined him. We lived all together in Atlanta Georgia for a year then in 2010 we moved to Newton Kansas and have been here ever since.
I have one brother, Lincoln who is seven years older than me. I just turned seventeen this late october. My dad is one of the pastors at Whitestone Mennonite Church. He is still going to school part time and working part time. My mom broke her back a few years back so she couldn't be a CNA anymore. Instead she did what she loved which was open up her clothing store, Moyo Clothing. I always said that coming to America was a curse and a blessing. I struggled immensely when I first came and still do sometimes. Being in a totally …show more content…

I want to pursue a career in clinical psychology. I want to help people who are hurting internally to heal and blossom in life. I believe that when you are well mentally it will affect your life externally. Jag has given me numerous blessings to make sure i accomplish …show more content…

Since junior year, as I participated day by day in Jag I learned the valuable lesson that it's not always the concrete skills we need in life but also the abstract and often undefined skills that can equally shape us to be better people. Jag has given me that opportunity to see the relationship between life skills and success. Interwoven in the class is a lot of factors that have made a rich deposit in my life. These include motivation, encouragement, support which we all need as human beings to unleash the best in

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