The absence of literature is somehow the gap that this research is trying to fill and in doing so the literature is going to use two prevention strategies, the Public Health Model and the Social Ecological Model. The work that has been done on Child sexual abuse within schools has pointed out that the Public health and Social Ecological Models of prevention are both helpful in fighting sexual abuse which is another form of child abuse. This is because when we are preventing any form of abuse we aim to stop it from happening which is Primary prevention according to the Public Health model, and since abuse happens mostly within the caregivers system we then move to the Social Ecological model which examines the multiple systems that surrounds
On the other hand, there are many parents who are not at risk for abusing their children. And these parents believe that education is essential to its prevention. Parents can educate their children by teaching them the difference between right and wrong touch and the significance of body ownership. Additionally, and also just as important, parents can teach their children how to say no to a potential abuser. This dramatically decreases the chance that the child will targeted for abuse. Lastly, parents can teach their children about the importance of disclosing abuse to a trusted adult such as a school employee or counselor. (“National Committee to
CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE 1. Overpopulation is a major issue in many countries around the world. In an attempt to combat overpopulation, China introduced the one child policy in 1980. This policy made it so that families could only have one child. However, the one-child policy has been called into question by many people around the world.
For the purpose of this assignment, the intention is to describe the four theoretical models of child abuse. The 4 models that I will be looking at are; the medical model of abuse, sociological model of abuse, psychological model of abuse and the feminist model of abuse. I will also be looking at the aspects of the theories that are similar or different. To conclude I also intend to evaluate the four theoretical models of abuse by identifying the advantages and disadvantages.
This paper discusses how IOM’s ecological model can be used to stop the AIDs pandemic which is a health issue globally. This is because the number of people infected with the disease has increased over the years, since the first case was reported. Statistics show that over 34 million people are infected globally. The disease has been declared a pandemic due to the effects it has caused globally. Therefore, urgency is needed to stop its spread by reducing the rate of infection.
Along with public humiliation, there are also many accounts of sexual and physical assault. The emotional shock that all of this abuse caused many children to be unable to learn, and eventually led to self-destructive behaviour (95). Students in many different schools eventually ended up started gangs, which led to violence between students of different ages. There were also some cases of student-student sexual abuse (97). Because of all of this violence, many of the students who eventually became parents who used these behaviours to cope, also did this to their children, as they were never shown love or support as children, creating an endless cycle of
According to Counseling Children “James and Burch (1999) suggest some activities that can be conducted in schools: 1. Prepare school personnel by teaching about normal sexual development, 2. Deliver an abuse prevention program at school that educated children to danger signs, prevention skills, and the importance of telling adults about abuse, 3. Develop a network of professionals to build skills in assessment and include child protection workers, other counselors, therapists, and agencies that diagnose and treat victims.” These are three activities listed that James and Burch suggested should be conducted in schools.
The aim of this assignment is to enable learners to understand the theoretical models of child abuse and consider the implications of each model. There are many theories about why people abuse children and who are more likely to abuse. These models aren’t rules or laws and they may have flaws. I will be comparing and writing about these flaws and also where the models have a point and backing these up with cases of child abuse which have been in the media. The models that I will be describing, comparing and evaluating are the Feminist Model, the Social learning theory,
After the world was shaped by an unknown creator, Prometheus, a Titan, sought to create the noblest of animals, man. Prometheus took some of the earth and gave it an upright stature thus man was formed. Prometheus had a brother named Epimetheus who was tasked to provide for man and all other animals with the necessary faculties for their lives. Epimetheus gave gifts to different animals such as wisdom, courage, strength, and swiftness, and a variety of physical aspects. However when it came to Man, Epimetheus ran out of gifts to bestow upon Man because he used them all up on the other animals. So Epimetheus turned to Prometheus and asked for his aid. Prometheus agreed to help Epimetheus and gave man the gift of fire, which allowed man to create tools, weapons, conquer the climate, and introduce the arts and jumpstart the economy. Jupiter was angered by Prometheus’ theft of the fire of heaven and gave the first woman to Prometheus as a gift. This woman was named Pandora. Pandora was made in heaven and every god gave her a gift to perfect her character. For example Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, and so on. After being made in seemingly perfect image she was sent to earth and presented to Epimetheus, who gladly but warily accepted her. Pandora was also gifted the trait of curiosity, and the problem that occurred was that Epimetheus’ house held a jar that contained various
Abuse usually occurs due to poverty, lack of education, marital problems, changing of environments, family violence, and lack of support from family members, loneliness, social isolation, unemployment and many other factors which also relates to non-accidental incidents by caregivers, parents, older adolescents or other adults that is not within the norms of conduct and whom necessitates a considerable risk of inflicting physical or emotional harm to a child. Incidents like this can be un-intentional but other people also intentionally abuse their child which includes commission and omission. Instead of coming home to a safe environment, 40,844 children are abused. Evidentially child abuse is a very serious contemporary issue which has acquired many legal and non-legal
The Ecological Model of Health, sometimes also called The Social-Ecological Model, is one of the main models and theories that underpin the practice of health promotion. Defined by the Institute of Medicine as "a model of health that emphasizes the linkages and relationships among multiple factors (or determinants) affecting health”, that ecological framework is based on the premise that no single factor can fully explain the variations, the prevalence and the complexity patterns of diseases, as they are the result of a dynamic interaction of several varied determinants.
The authors help to inform reader as to why child abuse is such an important issue that needs to be taken care of. Funk and Wagnall list the forms of child abuse and the impacts they have a children’s lives. The article is organized in a straightforward style with little to no opinion involved. Although the article is solely based on facts, the authors stray away from making the article monotonous.
This essay will focus on the biomedical and social model of health. It will be critically discussing both models using supporting theories and highlighting the limitations of each. This essay will also discuss and analyse how both models relate to lay perspectives on health and illness.
Introduction Through research, scientist's have found that child abuse has caused detrimental affects to a child’s growth and development. Verbal abuse, physical abuse as a child all lead to many complications when older. For the purpose of this social science report, the following research question was investigated, “ How does abuse affect a child's development?” The secondary resources used in this paper were experimental, descriptive, and finally co-relational. Descriptive research This report entitled “ Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect” written by Child welfare in July 2013 was published on the child welfare website, it conducted comprehensive research on long-term consequences of Child Abuse
“Sexual abuse can be visible in many different ways, sometimes beyond what appears on the surface or the skin. Normal findings of sexual abuse are not excluded form child abuse.” Like emotional abuse, there are signs for sexual abuse. (Hilton, L., 2015) The way a child acts can depict whether or not they are in an abusive situation. “If being sexually abused, a child may display inappropriate sexual behavior, sexual play,” and things that a child at a young age should not know about. A sexually abused child may also have aggressive sexual behavior. “Some researchers tend to agree that sexual abuse is a distinct occurrence, but most studies of other forms of abuse ignore their potential differences.” (J. F., & Lee, C. S., 2004)
The Public Health Model and the Medical Model are two different perspectives of what health is, as well as the means of achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The Public Health Model or Ecological Health Model, as it's more appropriately called, takes into account the various external forces that can afflict or benefit a person's health. On the other hand, the Medical Model focuses on the internal forces that affect a person's health.