
Purpose Of The Mapping Project

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Some time ago, I received a call from an elderly shut in lady explaining that she had no access to transportation and that there was some problem with her SNAP benefits that month. Consequently, she was in poor health and had specific dietary needs. Her friend, that normally would help, was not able to take her to a local pantry. She went on to ask if we would be able to bring just a little food to tie her over until someone could take her somewhere for food. Imagine the feeling of insecurity that this woman must have been experiencing. This is just one of many calls the food bank receives. It is just such a call that made the mapping project GMFB conducted so necessary.
The purpose of the mapping project was to gain a better insight into the counties GMFB services and their demographics. Additionally, it was necessary to have a better understanding of the agencies we currently support and the part they play in their communities. Are the areas under served? Are the areas over served? Is there any duplication of service? In food banking, agencies are nonprofit organizations that link GMFB and the hungry. An agency will have a distribution model that provides access to meals, groceries and/or benefits for a targeted population in the community. Over time, we began to gather information on food insecurity, poverty levels, areas with high numbers of free and reduced lunch provided, locations of subsidized housing, and finally pantry locations unsupported by the food

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