
Qualitative And Quantitative Research In Nursing

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In order for a healthcare system to run effectively, research is essential when patents are involved. According to Jones (2016), research involves a structured, planned and logical approach to discovering new information, while aiming to extend understanding on a topic or problem area within the healthcare profession. To achieve this, research is divided into two methodologies, qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative research involves methods that are concerned with human perceptions and understanding of their social reality, adopted under complex research topics (Washer, Salloch, Ritter, Vollmann, Schildmann, 2017). These are usually adapted when the exploration topic involves patient experiences, perceptions, meanings, intentions and behaviours (Jones, 2016). Whereas quantitative approaches aim to produce and control social phenomena, through measurement, evaluation and generalisation of findings of a population and encouraging the reproduction of the results obtained. These studies are based around testing hypotheses utilising patients to achieve research goals in controlled environments (Park & Park, 2016). This paper will explore the features of qualitative and quantitative research through papers involving patients in order to highlight the differences in their features, via the aim, data collection methods and results obtained. The quantitative paper explores the effect of muscle energy technique and passive stretching on patients with functional disability with

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