
Questions On Motivation And Performance Theories

Decent Essays

Liza Nozdrina

Today I will be discussing four more motivation and performance theories, presented by Clayton P. Alderfer; Johan P. Campbell, Marvin D. Dunnette, Edward E. Lawler 3rd and Karl E. Weick Jr.; Steven Kerr and Gray P. Latham and Edwin A.Locke and many othes.

First two theories are still based on the classic motivation theories, but show them from a different angle. Second two raise the issue of goal setting – practical use of motivation.

First of all ERG theory is discussed. Creating his classification, Alderfer came mainly from the fact that all the needs can be organized into separate groups. This is quite similar to Maslow’s idea, but the difference is that according to Adelfer’s theory there are only three main groups of needs (which form the ERG name of the theory as existence, relatedness, growth).

These needs are:

• Existence – these needs include all the physiological needs and security needs according to Maslow. To make them more understandable the author specifies them as “they can be divided among people in such a way, that one person’s gain another loss when recourses are limited”
• Relatedness – communication needs, reflecting the social nature of a man. Those needs include his willingness of being related to the world around him, the need of self-affirmation, self-recognition, the presence of society, like colleagues, friends, family, even enemies and being a part of it.
• Growth - this is about human needs associated with

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