
Questions On Online Shopping Development

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Oliver in 1997 had defined satisfaction that is the customer reports to judge a product or service, provide a “pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment”. Customer satisfaction should be measured for influence customer buying and repurchases. In last decades, online shopping speedily develops and deeply impacts traditional shopping. Customers and retailers are allowed to run business without limitation of geography and temporal barriers around world. By the advantages of Internet, lower prices will be provided in online markets while improve social welfare (Bapna et al. 2008), more selected product , and higher efficiency than traditional markets (Ghose et al. 2006). With online shopping development, online customer satisfaction will be more considered than before. There are 7 most important factors during 3 buying process will influence customer satisfaction. Before buying process, website quality and product information and retailer information will influence customer satisfaction and buying activity. Payment security and pricing are other most important factors during buying activity will affect customer satisfaction. After that, delivering and customer service will be last two factors affecting customer satisfaction. In this essay, each factor will be discuss and explain influence for customer satisfaction.
Before buying process, website quality and product information and retailer information will influence customer satisfaction. A good website design will

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