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RESEARCH DESIGN (2792 words)
1) Is there is a relationship between childhood obesity levels in primary school children and whether the child participates in after school sports activities?
Research Design
A quantitative research helps to provide a detail description regarding phenomena by numerical data collection using mathematically based analytical methods (Muijs, 2011). The main aim of a quantitative research is to establish a relationship between an independent and dependant or outcome variable in a population. In this study the researcher tries to illustrate the relationship between the levels of obesity in primary school children with children who participates after school sports activities. From this it is clear that this is a …show more content…

Descriptive design is accurate to analyze this study because the subjects here are measured once only. Whereas, in experimental research, subjects are to be measured before and after conducting the treatment. Here in this study the researcher establishes an association between nurses who work in night shifts and nurses who work in regular day shifts to assess the level of depression. In a descriptive study the behavior or conditions cannot be changed and can only be measured as they are. In the case of an experimental study, the researcher takes measurements and will try some interventions and finally taking measurements again to assess the result (Muijs, 2011).
In the case of a descriptive design the researcher observe the subjects without any prevailing. Here in this study the researcher is trying to assess the level of depression of nurses who work in day and nightshifts. This study will find out the variables of interest in the subjects sample and thereafter examine the relationship between them. Hence a cross- sectional descriptive design is more accurate for this study. A descriptive research study is a preplanned structured study and hence the information gathered is statistically inferred in a population. This study will better define an opinion, attitude or behavior of the sample over time (Macnee & Mccabe, 2008).
Data Collection and Sampling
Data collection

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