
ROI ( Return on Investment): Six Social Metrics Worth Measuring

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After years of completely consuming myself with social media tool research and tending to people’s natural confusion about Social ROI (return on investment), it felt obvious that as Social Media Strategist, Community Manager, Specialist, Marketer, etc. it’s my duty to explain what should be focused on when tracking Social ROI. Currently, all Social associates globally can agree that Social ROI is a constant struggle and grey area when attempting to show sales increase. Until that day comes when some Zuckerberg-type genius (and soon to be billionaire) figures out this piece to the missing puzzle, we Social Media folk do our very best to focus on the specific metrics that make a difference. Yes, agencies and companies have their ripe of the …show more content…

This won’t specify what people are buying but at least you can see if traffic is coming in from Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest to your website. If you run an ad and see a bump in traffic, then that’s a good indicator that your strategy is working. 2. Incentive Packages and Contests Offer something that’s in it for the customer, a coupon perhaps that can be tacked on to a prospect purchase. If you offer the coupon via Facebook, then you will know that every coupon that customers cash came from Facebook. Facebook has also introduced a more formal version of coupons this past September called Offers. So far more than 42 million customers have redeemed an Offer. Creating an Offer is fairly simple and can be tracked via a barcode for in-store Offers or an online redemption code for online offers. Take Starbucks for example: “Tweet a Coffee” Campaign prompted $180,000 in purchases. A Starbucks program that lets consumers buy coffee for friends on Twitter, has prompted about $180,000 in purchases to date since it launched in late October, according to a researcher. Research firm Keyhole tracked all the instances in which someone used "@tweetacoffee" in conjunction with a friend's Twitter handle and found that more than 27,000 fans used the program. Some 34% of users bought multiple gift cards and 32% of the purchases

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