
Rabbit Proof Fence Thesis

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The movie Rabbit Proof Fence directed by Hollywood based Australian director Phillip Noyce and released in 2002. The Screenplay of the movie is written by Christine Olsen on adaptation of Doris Pilkington’s book. Film is fiction based on fact, tells the real life story of three Aboriginal girls, Molly, Gracie, Daisy, who made 1500 miles nine weeks on food journey from Moore River Settlement to Jigalong. They fallowed the rabbit proof fence in order to return home to their mothers. The policies portrayed in the movie and real life was given effect by the Australian government and known today in Australia as the Stolen Generations. Mixed race Aboriginal children were taken by force from their families. Some of those children were taken at birth, some at two years of age some in their childhood years. They were sent to foster families or raised in training schools, special purpose institutions to prepare them for lives as factory workers or domestic servants. Some parents know that where their children had been taken and could keep connection with them. In some cases they had no any ideal whither the children. …show more content…

A Story her mother, Molly Crag, her aunt Daisy and their cousin Gracie, who were torn apart from their families and relocated. It is considered a powerful example of the maltreatment of aboriginal people by the Stolen Generation. Doris Pilkington and her younger sister Annabelle also were a member of the stolen generation. In Under the Wintamarra Tree she tells her own story at Moore River. Over twenty years later Molly Crag was reunited with a daughter Doris. Unfortunately with Annabelle didn’t go well. She denies her Aboriginal ancestry and two women never seen each other again. Doris Pilkington at age of 76 died from ovarian

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