
Racial Typification Of Crime Analysis

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The article "Racial Typification Of Crime and Support For and Punitive Measures" writen by Ted Chiricos , Kelly Welch, and Marc Gertz discusses whether support for harsh punitive policies toward crime is related to the racial typification of crime. According to the authors this relationship is shown to be concentrated among whites who are either less prejudiced, non southerners, conservative and for whom crime prevalence is low. The results taken from the "OLS Reggession" surveyed in 2002 broaden our understanding of the links between racial threat and social control beyond those typically associated with racial composition of place. This relationship also discusses important issuses in what some have termed modern racism and what others have described as the politics of exclusion. The focus of the authors are that " Regardless of the racial composition of neighborhoods, an explicit link between race and crime may be the basis for support of more punitive controls- more arrests, more funding for police, greater use of incarceration, or other punitive measures. That, in effect, is what we are testing here." Their argument is that if evidence supports the hypothesis, a position to broaden understanding of how race, threat and social control interact. …show more content…

According the to the authors, measuring the relationship between where people live and the fear of crime is one approach to specifying the race-specific crime threat hypothesis. Another method was to measure directly the extent to which people associate crime with blacks. People used to support their data were adults 18 years of age and older, 56.5 percent female 79.8 percent white, 11.4 percent black and 7.5 percent Hispanic. 44 percent of the sample had graduated from college. The median age was 46

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