
Real Sugar Research Paper

Decent Essays

According to Statista, people consume 173.6m t of sugar worldwide. Sugar has been in this world for a sustained, long time. Since 1872, sugar was manufactured and its creation was a major production. In the 1940s, sugar started to be mechanically harvested and the gathering of sugar started to cause environmental problems. ( Encyclopedia Britannica)However the history, today sugar is commonly known as being unhealthy as it causes obesity. Sugar is in unhealthy, beloved snacks such as Yoplait Yogurt, Twinkies, and Craisins, Sugar Stacks stated. Although sugar causes weight gain and other health problems, sugar is favorable for people because it is natural and promotes brain activity. Sugar should be in one’s diet because it is all natural. Sugar is made out of natural, pure ingredients such as sugar beet or sugarcane. 70% of sugar is made produced from sugarcane while the other 30% is made from sugar beets, SKIL claimed. This means sugar is only made from natural elements and is good for one’s body. The productuction of sugar includes the natural processes of juice extraction, clarification, concentration, crystallization, and crystal separation and drying.(Encyclopedia Britannica) This process that creates real sugar is what makes it natural. The simple ingredients that …show more content…

According to WebMD, sugar can raise the brain’s alertness. When one consumes a little amount of sugar, they receive a short-lived advance to be a little more attentive of the background around them. Sugar also gives a one short-term boost to better memory, thinking, and mental ability. However without the glucose from the sugar in the brain, it would lead to poor attention and cognitive function. The brain relies on sugar as its main fuel and would not work properly without it. (Harvard Medical School) Sugar plays an important role in one’s brain to function a

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