
Recruitment Plan For A New Position

Satisfactory Essays

InfoTech Recruitment Plan

HR received a request from InfoTech President to create and hire for a new position in accounting that will support current strategic plan and future company expansion goals. In preparing for a job analysis, an initial meeting was held and identified the following criteria: the new position will be an Accounting Manager and must have IT experience. In addition, as the company will most likely be entering in the global market, it is highly desirable that the candidate has international business experience and is fluent in English and Spanish. These criteria may also be a constraint and was taken into account when discussion salary. A range was set from $70,000 to $80,000 with an option to include …show more content…

2. Tools
Use current job analysis questionnaire template to collect information about all aspects of the job.

3. Methods
Face to face interview with InfoTech President to collect more details about position including performance management and skills. In addition, send out questionnaires to employees who will be working directly with the new hire from the IT perspective, to identify needed IT/tech skills. A focus group can also be used with this same group of employees.

Information Uses
Draft job description and job specification documents for President’s final approval and use for recruitment.
Recruitment Methods
The following three methods were researched: professional search firm, professional association, and advertisement/post job.

Professional Search Firm
The Bagg Group is a well-respected and experienced staffing company specializing in both the professional and technology field since 1971.
• 21% fee based on salary with a 3 month money back replacement guarantee
• Open for further negotiation on fee payment

• Bagg uses all of their resources to post, recruit and screen qualified candidates
• Speed to identify and pre-screen
• First time using professional search firms; use as a bench mark for future postings especially if we want to enter into the global market; they will get us there quicker and with a pool of qualified applicants
• 3 month money back guarantee
• Costly to use; our

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