CWRR 01 is a class that teaches Millikin’s first semester freshman students critical writing, critical reading, and critical thinking skills. Throughout this class, I learned these skills along with learning about myself. Various assignments assigned by my professor helped me to hone in on these skills. As the semester comes to a close, I have reflected on what I have learned throughout my CWRR 01 class. When I first began my CWRR 01 class, I felt extremely prepared to be enrolled in a CWRR 01 class. In high school, I took a critical writing class through SLU, a local college. Therefore, I knew what to expect in this class, and I felt prepared to study yet another critical writing, critical reading, and critical thinking class. At the beginning …show more content…
I have always appreciated these skill, and this class only taught me more about the skills that I enjoy using and learning about. I have also seen these skills apply to my other classes. For example, I often found myself using critical writing in nearly every single other class of mine. I also used critical thinking in my business classes when I would look over my groupmates’ work prior to turning it in. Although I did learn a great deal in CWRR 01, I can distinctly remember learning the most from a piece called “Shitty First Drafts” by Lamott. This piece explained that nearly all writers struggle to craft a brilliant piece of writing with just one draft. Lamott explained that revision is an essential part of critical writing. I had never thought of revision that way prior to reading his article. His article also gave me encouragement because my drafts often go through several iterations before I turn them in. As I moved through the semester, I felt myself becoming better at revising my work. I was able to point out passive voice in my writing as well as in others. By the end of the semester, I had become confident in my writing and in
I observed Dr. Jenny Crisp’s English 98 class on January 19, 2016. The class began at 12:15 PM and lasted until 1:20 PM. The room that the class met in was on the third floor of the Liberal Arts building, and the room had individual computers for each of the students to work on. The class was divided into two sections on this day because Dr. Crisp had scheduled an introductory visit to the writing lab, which began at 12:45. Prior to the visit to the writing lab, Dr. Crisp guided the class in a discussion on the topic of revision in regards to the first paper that the class had submitted. The stages of revision were discussed and the students were shown where additional help could be found within the book. Dr. Crisp told the students that the reason that their grades on the essays were significantly lower was because the essays were lacking in detail and had Type One errors. She stated that revision is important and that could help bring up the grades on the essays.
Writing, and literacy in general, is one of the founding cornerstones of modern society. It is difficult to find any sort of occupation that doesn’t require at least some basic writing skills. From business managers to lawyers to doctors, despite their notoriously bad handwriting, all require intimate knowledge of writing skills. Yet, teaching critical writing skills is not the cure-all to solving the problems that the public education system faces in producing students better prepared to tackle the challenges of the world as Peg Tyre portrays it as in The Writing Revolution. Critical writing skills, despite its current underemphasis in the classroom, should not be the only focus of the public school system’s curriculum as Peg Tyre suggests in The Writing Revolution, because critical writing skills do not prepare students adequately enough for the standards of the real world which require more technical skills, critical writing skills only teaches a small subset of underlying critical thinking skills, and critical writing skills education, as presented by Peg Tyre, is formulaically based which can result in long-term inability to further student’s critical writing skills despite initial success.
Within critical thinking I have learned critical thinking skills such as how to communicate appropriately through the use of writing. some of those skills include writing to discover patterns, find new ways of tackling a project, even to improve a new way of thinking (The Craft of research p.14). Some
In Freshman Composition I learned what metacognition means, and how it applies to academic writing. Next I learned about textual evidence and backing up your opinions with research. *I expect this class to help develop my writing skills, as well as find my voice in writing, all together I expect this class to be challenging but rewarding. Therefore I have set a few goals for myself, my first goal is to step out of my comfort zone and research topics I have never heard of before. My second goal is to not second-guess myself on my writing topics and/or choices. Furthermore I expect great things to come from this
Critical thinking was very challenging. This class was in my second block of my Associates program. This class seemed so foreign to me. I did not appreciate the content of learning, as I prayed for the day I was done! About a year later a friend of mine enrolled with the University of Phoenix. She was stressed out about her Critical Thinking class. I dreaded helping her, but I agreed to help her out with the class. We reviewed many of the terms and readings in the class. It dawned on me that the class was so easy. I could not believe I had so much trouble.
At the start of this course, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had a goal for myself to improve and learn skills that would make writing less daunting for me. I have learned so many things about my writing that I didn’t think much about before. Another goal I had was to break the cookie-cutter mold that was set upon me throughout high school. During the process of revision, I discovered many things about myself as a writer and techniques that have been effective for me in the writing process.
I knew when I first signed up for this class that I would have both write a lengthy research paper, and do extensive research. I felt confident that I could deliver in writing a well thought out and research paper. With that said, this class has given me new skills in terms of the writing process of a research paper, and also in what it means to be a conscious writer. While I admit I still need to improve in my editing process, I fell that this class helped me notice some of my flaws for which I plan to improve upon. Building off of WRD 103, I felt that in this term my grammar had improved. While I still made mistakes in grammar, I felt that in this quarter I faired much better than in the original WRD 103 class. For example, in my multisource exploratory essay I notice that for the most part my grammar was on point. I can attribute this to the timeliness in which I completed that paper. Similarly to what I notice in my WRD 103 class, the cohesiveness and grammar of my papers always improve when I have enough time to write my papers. Through this class and the quarter I also notice that the most important step in my writing process is the organizational part. Formulating my ideas on paper better before I actually start typing better prepares me for my writing. Another important aspect I picked up on was the analysis on my own work. Usually when I thought of analysis I always think of how I analyze someone else’s work, but I found that analyzing my own work, such as I did
In order for an informed decision to be made in regards to appropriate business structure for any business it is necessary to understand each business structure separately and any attempt to understand business structure must consider the C-corporation as a baseline against which to compare subsequent business structures. A C-corporation is a business organized as a separate entity from the owner or owners of the business that requires the observation of certain formalities. In Texas these formalities include adopting bylaws, maintaining a record of accounts, issuance of stock, recording the issuance and transference of stock, recording minutes of board of director and shareholder meetings, as well as maintaining a record of current and past shareholders (Tex. BOC § 21). It is important to remember that corporate formalities will require time and expense to maintain and every attempt should be made to comply with these requirements to protect the liability limitation of the corporation’s shareholders, officers, and owners.
I have been a San Jose State University student for 4 years now, and over the course of my learning I have grown and learned more than I thought possible. I came to SJSU knowing that English was my least favorite subject; I consistently dreaded writing assignments professors would assign in class. Going through English 1B has taught me to face my fears about writing papers, whether they are short reviews or extensive research papers, I have become more comfortable in writing. I have learned how to write and express myself, how to think for myself, and how to find the answers to the things I don’t know. Most importantly I have learned that revision is essential.
“The Starry Night,” one of the many paintings by Vincent van Gogh, is by far one of his most well known artworks. When looking at this painting, the viewer is submerged in color and motion as the eye travels around the iconic landscape. Not only is it visually pleasing, it has emotion and spiritual ties to the artist himself. Van Gogh’s lack of evangelical ministry as well as his dwindling mental state was a force of reconciliation within his artwork, and the outcome was magnificent. “The Starry Night” was painted as a manifestation of religious and spiritual expression to through symbolism and color theory.
The reason that I enrolled into the introduction to writing course, or WRTG 101, is because it is required in order to receive my degree. I actually tried to avoid this course by completing the college composition exam through the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP); unfortunately, the University of Maryland University College’s (UMUC) credit by examination guidelines still require that students take WRTG 101, even if they get a qualifying score(“College Level Examination Program”, 2016). My writing skills were good enough to complete the exam with a qualifying score, so I definitely considered myself pretty good at writing. Before taking WRTG 101, my writing skills were decent, but now I feel more capable of applying the writing process,
This course will guide me to develop better writing habits. I will reach this goal by taking the time to use the proven process of writing, instead of just sitting down to write and start forming my papers without first outlining the concepts that I will be covering in the paper. This habit will take some time to develop, but if I use my new habits with every paper I write they will become habits to last a lifetime. I believe, by learning the writing process, this class will give me the confidence I need when putting ideas into words on paper.
ENGW1110 is a course offered at Northeastern University that is an introductory course to writing. In my introduction to English class, I learned many helpful skills and tips to help me become a better writer. In this class, I learned how to write and communicate things I learned, negotiate my own writing goals and audience expectations regarding conventions of genre, medium and situation, to take a stance through my writing, work with my classmates and review their work, collect information to write an accurate and detailed essay or story, explore and represent my own experiences, perspectives, and ideas, practice critical reading strategies, use multiple forms of evidence to support my claims, ideas, and arguments, and I learned how to reflect on my writing processes and self-assess as a writer. Through my experience in this class, I feel that I was able to reach some of the learning goals, but was not able to fully reach others.
RWS is a very important subject that all students are required to take. It is a mandatory course, because through this course we are going to learn many things for the future, such as how to perfection our writing, formulate our ideas and understand and comprehend rhetorical strategies. I strongly believe that this course is going to help most of us with other classes, especially in life because through this course we are going to learn how to write and create a perfect paper or report for an important job. The biggest benefit that we are going to get from this class is to learn how to develop our Critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills are very important in every aspect, but many of us are very unfamiliar with them or do not know
Why do most scary stories tend to have some type of transformation?. What affects does transformation has on the story?. Changes are triggered in a character when they undergo momentous events. We see many transformations in stories such as “House Taken Over” by Julio Cortazar,”Where is Here” and “The feathered pillow”. In all these stories, transformation is seen in various ways whether it is a change in one's life or in the character. This raises the question, In what ways does transformation play a role in stories meant to scare us?.In my opinion, in a story a change in characters and a change in one’s normal life plays a very important role; the reader start to imagine illogical things, get more interested in the story, start to ask questions to themselves and transformation creates suspense which develops terror in reader’s mind.