
Reflection On Leadership

Decent Essays

The most important lesson I have learned thus far in Leadership and, in fact, the MM DD program is the importance of focusing on your strengths rather than your weaknesses or purely your weaknesses. As far as I can remember whether it be in math class, playing the bass guitar or singing, teachers, tutors and mentors have always emphasized practicing to make up your deficiencies. To improve your score or performance, you had to practice doing problems that you were scoring lowest in or practice so that your deficiencies slowly became strengths. If I was scoring very high in English or History, I needed to focus on improving my scores in Chemistry and Math. Looking back on those experiences, which I also experienced in my undergraduate …show more content…

Before that point, I had never been able to put into words what was important to me and the characteristics of my work style and strengths. This really helped me put into concrete terms what my strengths were and how they benefitted a team. It also suggested ways in which I could strengthen my strengths and the actions and opportunities to take that would allow me to practice my strengths. In our Career Development class, we were also provided with a spreadsheet with data on the strengths of every person in our class. This in combination with the Strengths Finder 2.0 book will really help me improve my ability to work effectively in a team. By looking at the descriptions of the strengths of other members of my team members and how the book describes ways to work effectively with individuals with those strengths, I think I will be better able to work with my team without conflict and effectively using everyone’s strengths so that our end result is the best result. In theory, this is what I have been trying to do and will continue to do, but I think it is harder to achieve than it looks. In my last few team meetings, there were almost no instances where the team, including myself took into account the different styles of the other team members and so I felt the environment wasn’t as collaborative as I would have liked. I felt like the environment was such that I wasn’t able to use my strengths to their fullest and I wasn’t

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