
Reflection On Remember The Titans

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Don’t you wish you can go back in time and change one thing about the world or save a person? If I could go back I would stop slavery and discrimination before it even started in Northern Africa. Racism is a really big issue around the world why, because we judge people by their looks and clothes. Now it’s not as bad but where still do it after all these years at least we got rid of slavery. The worst that got it was the kids cause most of them didn’t understand how things were ran back in the day some even got killed. Next was the schools cause that’s where kids were suppose to learn but from discrimination it wasn’t an easy task since they feared for their lives. Also we run schools way different from now since now we have more rights,laws, and better education. Finally, colored people made a stance for their rights and didn’t back down cause they knew they were right. In …show more content…

The reason why I added this in is ,because it shows how much they hate each other but then it shows bonding towards the end. This movie shows how two raices come together not only on the field but also in the town to show how much can change from hate to bonding. This only happened because of the law where schools can’t segregate them and also to see if they could make it through the year together. Around 1970’s is when segregation started going down because of all the new laws and new rules especially in school. Also when they started letting colleges and high schools combine moat of the kids thought they didn’t need another until they either quit or started working together like in “Remember the Titans.” Today we aren’t as bad but this still happens at school all the time in or out of sports you’ld think we’ve learned by now but it’s not a perfect world. You can watch Remember the Titans on ITunes,Youtube,Amazon,and VUDU either renting or buying the

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