
Reflection Paper On Graduate-Level Writing

Decent Essays

As with many returning college students entering this course, I was somewhat apprehensive about proficient writing skills at the graduate level. I had several concerns and wondered, not only about my writing skills, but of the twenty plus years of unused study habits. At the same time, having never written a ‘graduate' level paper, brought about a certain level of anxiety just from the phrase ‘graduate level’. Being skeptical about how my writing would fare against other students and the school’s writing expectations, I leaned on the side of precaution when approaching the first assignment. When COM/600 introduced me to the APA, American Psychological Association, style of writing, I slowly became more comfortable. The training received prepared me for future studies on how to appropriately research information, what techniques to use in developing effective writing and communication, and demonstrated ethical psychological considerations in daily life. These unique tools provided me with a well-developed skill set sufficient enough to write graduate level papers.
Feedback Summary While developing writing techniques, there were three individual writing assignments the professor requested for review from week one, two, and four. In week one, the first assignment was on Graduate-Level Writing. The professor’s grading comments reflected a clear topic and direction, great transition from topic to topic, and overall crisp and clear writing throughout the assignment. The

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