
Reflective Statement

Satisfactory Essays

I am writing to respectfully apply for readmission to XXXXX at XXXXX University for the 2018 spring semester. I matriculated in the fall of 2016 but was dismissed in the spring of 2017 for my inadequate academic performance. I understand that it was my own negligence that created the circumstances for my dismissal, and I have worked to regain my credibility.

Being accepted at XXXXX University was a dream come true; I arrived ready to learn and experience as much as I could. However, I found it difficult to adjust to life on my own as a college student. After I had just began to settle into my courses, a series of personal relationships ended and caused turmoil in my private life. I became depressed and lost all motivation. Confined to my room …show more content…

Although I expected consequences, I was devastated when I finally understood the gravity of my situation. I realized that I had to pull myself together and seek help. I reached out to my parents, who expressed their disappointment but unfazed support, and my friends, who helped me resolve several issues that had been haunting me.

During this past year, I began my employment at Department of Homeland Security, where I reacquired my motivation and responsible work ethic through a company that I believed in. They challenged me to make hard decisions and accomplish tasks I never could have done before. I have also had time to reassess my goals. I realized that my education is most important and that Thurgood Marshall is the best place for me fulfill my ambitions.

If I am readmitted, I will make sure that I am able to live up to the standards upon which I was accepted. Thanks to a flexible schedule, I can delegate most of my obligations from work to my secretary and coworkers, and my remaining workload can be taken care of easily from anywhere. I will also use office hours and TA sessions to their fullest extent to ensure my grades meet up to my expectations. I am now also capable of seeking help when I am having personal issues and I will take advantage of the student health center, the wellness exchange, and my support network when I realize something is

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