
Epistemological Knowing

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The purpose of this study is to determine the combined relationship between connected knowing (CK), separate knowing (SK), and epistemological beliefs with student’s academic performance. These variables look at understanding how students acquire knowledge and their attitudes towards thinking and learning. As mentioned in the study done by Schommer-Aikins and Easter (2006) this study would provide future benefit to how students are being taught along with how to manage their time while studying. In addition, this study could result in students acquiring better study habits earlier on, data collected from Wood and Kardash (2003) study showed that there was a large difference between the level of education in the participants and their level of epistemic cognition, which means that if students were to increase their level of epistemological thinking earlier on in their college career through workshops or seminars that taught them this way of thinking, theoretically student’s study habits and learning habits would improve significantly throughout their time in college.
In the Schommer-Aikins and Easter (2006) study they examine multiple relationships between the ways of knowing, epistemological beliefs and variables related to academic performance. Within the study they examined the relationship between two ways of knowing which are connected and separate knowing with epistemological beliefs which focused on specific variables such as the structure and stability of knowledge,

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