
Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And The Theory Of Attrition

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To what extent do we need to recognise emotions in ourselves and in others to function effectively in life? Should we interact with our emotions or should we merely be guided by them? Spinoza and Van Gogh both died young, and in relative poverty, still apparently searching for true fulfilment in their lives. Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in between.
This dissertation explores the relationship between emotional intelligence and the following outcomes in nurse and midwifery education: clinical practice performance; academic performance and student retention at the end of year one. The study population was a cohort of student nurses and midwives who applied to commence their training in September 2007. Chapter one provides a background to the research and justifies the study within a professional context. The theory of emotional intelligence and the theory of attrition are critically discussed in separate chapters, prior to the literature review which focuses specifically on the impact of emotional intelligence on performance and attrition in nursing and related healthcare professions. A model of attrition is presented which outlines antecedent predictor variables and outcome
variables. The measurement characteristics of emotional intelligence and other antecedent variables, along with the measurement characteristics of the outcome variables, are explored and justified in the methodology chapter. The results from the analysis are presented in chapter six

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