
Relationship Between Leadership And Job Satisfaction

Decent Essays

In the article "Exploring the Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Job Satisfaction with the Mediating Role of the Level of Loyalty to Supervisor," Tarhan Okan and Ahmet Mutlu Akyuz insist that there is a correlation between loyalties to a supervisor that increases employee job satisfaction over time. This paper analyzes the study conducted by Gumushane University in Turkey with a total of 223 academic professionals to make a case about the relationship between strong ethical leadership and work satisfaction that comes from loyalty for a supervisor.
Job Satisfaction And The Workplace
In today’s job market work satisfaction is an issue everyone deals with but in an academic level it must be sustained to keep the professors above board in their work ethics. It can be argued that keeping people happy makes them more productive which in turn makes the organization more profitable. To achieve this goal we can agree with the article that how employees get treated at work matters and everyone works better if they are around good morale and high motivation (157). It is important for employees to believe that there boss does the right thing because that belief fosters trust and loyalty that will lead to satisfaction in the work place. According to the article doing the right thing means making balanced decisions that help the organization stay effective and credible in the eye of the public (158). A positive leader also has a strong effect on the employees under

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