
Relaxation Therapy: Generalized Anxiety Disorder And Panic Di

Decent Essays

Describe your understanding of the 2 forms of relaxation therapy (RT) noted in the study.

The two forms of relaxation therapy that are noted in this week’s research article and are utilized in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder are progressive relaxation technique and applied relaxation technique, (Siev & Chambless, 2007). Progressive relaxation is, just as I sounds, a method that gradually trains the body to relax by first learning to tense and then relax muscle groups (Siev & Chambless, 2007). Next, the subject eventually, learns to relax without having to tense the different muscle groups (Siev & Chambless, 2007). Progressive relaxation is the actually first stage of applied relaxation (Siev & Chambless, 2007). Applied relaxation takes progressive relaxation, one step further, by applying the method in stressful situations, (Siev & Chambless, 2007). Applied relaxation involves exposure, however, the goal is not to stop the anxiety through habituation, but to apply the skills in vivo (Siev & Chambless, 2007).

Compare and contrast RT with the other approach examined in the study: cognitive therapy, or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CT, CBT).

In both, relaxation therapy and Cognitive-behavioral therapy the goal is to reduce …show more content…

Essentially, they wanted to determine if one method of therapy that was more effective than another, and if the current methods were even effective at all. The results showed that there is no major difference between Relaxation Therapy and Cognitive Therapy in the treatment of General Anxiety Disorder (Siev & Chambless, 2007). However, Cognitive-behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy showed to be more effective in the treatment Panic Disorder (Siev & Chambless,

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