
Religion And Its Impact On Society

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Religion ranks as one of the most divisive factors in the world today dividing not only believers and non-believers but as well as those of different sects. Different ideals, and views of the diverse religions spur negativity amongst countries, races, friends, and family alike driving wedges whilst creating problems between individuals. However it also has brought billions of people together, going on to forge a sense of shred belief and unity of purpose across wide racial and geographical divides. A not well known, but funny fact is that the word religion actually derives from the latin word re-ligare, a term that literally means to bind together which our world today fails in actually comprehending. The Oxford dictionary point out, though, that the etymology of the word is doubtful it is assumed that it helps explain the power of religion. Towards the end, one will have found acute evidence and reasoning as to why religion should be taught to our students whilst also explaining what depriving it will do to them. Students should learn about the world religions so they can gain religious literacy, knowledge of worldviews other than their own, and insight that some religions they refute actually infuse with the one they follow. Illiteracy is common amongst young and old alike as there are just some things that they don 't have a full functional grasp upon, but that becomes problematic when one throws religion into the equation. It is basic knowledge yes of one to know the

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