
Research Methodology Used For Research

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Research Methodology Introduction
This chapter discusses the methodology used for this research. Describing type of methodology in research study and define the chosen method and approach for this research. Then, the outline of research strategy used, framework this research conducted and data sources collected to obtain valid and reliable research as the objective determined. Review of Research of Methodology
Broadly speaking, there are several purpose of research. It depends on the objective of the research itself. First, research is conducted to get review from existing knowledge. Second, to investigate the problem and existing situation. Third, to provide solutions to problems. Fourth, to explore and analyse more general issues. Next, to construct or create new procedures or systems. After that, to explain new phenomenon. Then, to generate new knowledge. Otherwise, combination of any previous purposes. The purpose of research will determine the suitable method used to get the objective.

Type of research
In general, research works commonly classified into four categories, namely: exploratory, descriptive, analytical and predictive research (libguides, 2015) . Exploratory research. This type conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. It looks for pattern, hypotheses or ideas that can be tested. Can help determine the best research design, data collection method, and selection of the subjects. Used when few or no previous studies exist. Will often

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