
Research Paper On Almost Famous

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Almost Famous
The movie, Almost Famous, is based on a fifteen year old teenage boy named William Miller, who rises from a high school nerd to a rock ‘n’ roll journalist for Rolling Stone magazine. The character and story are based on a real life story of Cameron Crowe, the film's writer and director, who was a teenage Rolling Stone writer himself. It portrays how Crowe fell in love, lost his virginity and met heroes that are shared by the protagonist himself. Influenced by the works of rock music and artists his sister had left behind, William gets assigned by Rolling Stone magazine to do a profile of a rising rock band, called Stillwater.
The film is ideally about a young kid who sees the real world, witnesses its cruelties and heartbreaks, and yet finds room for hope. The idea of real is demonstrated when Lester Bangs advises William to make his stories real and honest. He looks for purity and truth in …show more content…

Based on people’s likings and interests, certain media apps or other trends become popular. For instance, Ipods, Ipads, and Iphones are really popular because you can access your facebook, twitter, tumblr and instagram on the go. This represents Pop culture because Apple is really good at marketing which explains why they are so popular. Likewise, Stillwater was a band that was liked by many. In order to increase their fame, they wanted the audience to perceive them as hard working and wanted to earn an image of good song writing on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. The experience of listening to music in the period depicted in Almost Famous is drastically different today than it was several years back. The public spaces in which people listened to music in the 1960s and 1970s has gradually diminished and even eliminated to the point where we listen to music through our phones or mp3

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