
Research Paper On Westminster Abbey

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Westminster Abbey In the Gothic Architectural Era the English monarchy was very intrigued by new buildings . Westminster Abbey remains perhaps the most magnificently constructed building in medieval England. What began as a small monastery has now become one of the most recognized buildings in England today. Its purpose and historical significance are extremely captivating. The number and splendor of tombs and effigies is without parallel. Founded in 959 by St. Dunstan it was being used as a monastery. Soon after Edward the Confessor came and built an entirely new church. From the 11th century onward the rolls and charters preserved in the Abbey’s monument room illustrate its history as being one of the Kingdom’s most prestigious and wealthiest …show more content…

Many English monarchs are buried at Westminster. In modern times it remains the place where the most solemn and important ceremonies of England and the English Royal Family take place (“Westminster Abbey” n.p.). Westminster remains the place for the coronation of the English sovereign, in which death has a special part (Wood n.p.). Westminster Abbey is that of a Norman Romanesque style. Created with a Gothic style stone structure it epitomizes the Medieval-Gothic Era. Ultimately the monastic hope to rebuild the entire Abbey was connected to Henry III’s offer to pay for it. It was the most expensive and lavish English church of the 13th century (Szarmach 782). Westminster Abbey remains perhaps the most magnificently constructed building in medieval England. Westminster Abbey’s purpose and historical significance are extremely intriguing. The number and splendor of tombs and effigies is without parallel. The future of Westminster most likely holds many more coronations, weddings, and burials for future Kings and Queens to come. Westminster Abbey most likely wouldn’t be what it is today without the influential kings during the 1500’s and Edward the Confessor during the

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