
Resistance (R-E) Before Resistance

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Looking at the article’s title, my first impression was resistance will have a great impact first on female than endurance. I thought that resistance will show a great benefit because it will work out all the muscle and endurance will just help with the warm up. As shown in the study by Davitt et al. (2014), it does not matter which one goes first as attached by analysis of the article below. The article by Davitt et al. (2014) was a randomized controlled trial from a Journal of strength and conditioning research to find out the effectiveness of a combined resistance training and endurance exercise. The research was done in order to find out which cycle was better to performed first to achieve the most beneficial changes in strength, weight aerobic fitness and lean body mass. The resistance first combined with endurance (R-E) or endurance first then resistance (E-R). …show more content…

(2014). He was debating as stated in the article which one should go first R-E or E-R. ,that’s why the study was conducted using 23 inactive college female students which were a convenient random trial for the researchers, age range (19.8 + 0.2 years), height 163.5 + 1.7 cm and weighing 61.0 + 2.25 kg. They were volunteered students and was informed and was consented regarding the study. The inclusion criteria for this study was subject should only have aerobic exercise no greater than 90 minutes a week and no medication regimen that can alter the required physical activities for this study. Exclusion criteria would be male subjects, active females, female/male taking medication or supplemental vitamins and any disability the participants that can change the outcome of the

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