
Responsibilities And Relationships Of Lifelong Learning

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Unit 22 - Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning Criteria 1.2 - My Role in Promoting Equality and Diversity In line with The Equality Act, 2010, equality in the classroom can be seen as the rights of learners to be able to access and participate in learning experiences of their choice regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, or disability. Furthermore, it must be noted this does not mean that everyone is simply treated the same, but that everyone has equal rights, regardless of their background. As a teacher, it is my duty to act as a leader in promoting equality within the classroom and teaching environment. Similarly, I must ensure that any inequality is sternly challenged if I come across it in my professional life. The first responsibility for a teacher on the road to eliminating discrimination and inequality in the classroom is to accept both the differences and similarities between their students (Gay, 2004, pg. 195). A classroom will be promoting equality and diversity when all the students are treated in the same regard and respect as one another. Therefore, it is imperative that a teacher carries out an initial assessment to identify any particular needs that learners may have, as well as arranging for special resources to be put into place before teaching commences. Ann Gravells (2011, pg. 50-51) highlights many ways that a teacher can help to promote inclusion for all learners. Some of these include: • Allowing

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