
Review of the Relevant Literature and Industry Specific Barriers

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Review of the Relevant Literature
After briefly reviewing the basic aforementioned barriers, as follows, the researcher will proceed to discuss industry specific barriers, intertwined with the review of relevant literature; and the use a combination of analysis described in the Program Outcome section of this project.
Pilots take an active and important role in the aviation industry and are expected to possess critical thinking and technological skills. Schools of aviation are required to provide students with both theory and technical opportunities relative to the scope of aviation. Training institutions who teach 141/142 training programs foster critical thinking and technological skills through ground based instruction as …show more content…

Background and Significance
Simulation was initially used by the airlines and military personnel for training purposes. The first ground-based flight simulator, named the Link trainer, was invented in 1929 by Ed Link (Nickerson & Pollard, 2010). Edwin Albert Link can be said to be the pioneer of simulation implementation. He is most remembered for inventing the flight simulator, which was then commercialized in 1929 and called the "Blue Box" or "Link Trainer". Using simulators for training maximizes a student's learning without real life threats. Simulators are able to replicate scenarios that could damage an actual aircraft and cause significant injury or even death. The replication of actual flight in simulation would not be complete without motion. Disputes towards efficiency of motion versus non-motion platforms have been debated within the aviation training community for many years. Many studies have been made regarding the importance of motion versus non-motion. Motion platforms can provide motion for roll, pitch, heave, surge, yaw, and sway. Motion platforms also can provide crucial over-controlling feel characteristics and play a crucial role in takeoff and

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