
Rhetorical Essay On Women

Decent Essays

Women are suppressed and degraded in society. They are merely seen as pets for males or care-takers of the house and children. The advertisement on women’s equality is rhetorically effective due to its connection to the audience, emotional appeal, and how things are positioned in the ad, as well as the misogynistic comments and how society depicts women. Women are not allowed to speak their mind or have any say in society because they are not as superior as men. In the ad, the search engine is placed on top of her mouth. The search engine covering her mouth shows that women have no right to voice their opinion. Society does not care what women have to say because they are seen as useless human beings that have no power to protect themselves or accomplish anything on their own. The advertisement also uses emotional appeal to gain sympathy from the audience. The woman in the advertisement is staring right into the eyes of the viewers. Her eyes reflect years of struggle and despair and the tragic moments of when she is considered nothing but worthless. The audience of this advertisement is intended towards women because they are the ones being treated unjustly. The way the woman is positioned in the advertisement …show more content…

The search engine exposes the sexism and ingrained prejudice against women. For instance, the search includes several discriminating comments such as, “Women need to be put in their place.” Women are meant to be inferior and should not do activities that provide them with a chance to act out. Society wishes for women to be controlled so they will not become independent and advance in social ranks as well as having their opinions and ideas affect how the world works. The search engine is proof that the world undermines women and treats them as nothing but animals that need to be trained and disciplined into what society wants them to

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