
Roles And Importance For Effective Group Functions And Development

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There are many compartments that make up a group and allow for effective group functioning and development. Roles and responsibilities, and communication, are two key variables that are closely related to group effectiveness and progression. Roles and responsibilities are incorporated within groups to determine the behavioural expectations for members and to provide direction to the group during activities (O’Connell & Cuthbertson 2009). Roles are clearly defined within a group, and can be elected or naturally adopted based on individual strengths and the group’s needs. For effective group functioning, there should be a balance between productivity and relationship-building; suggesting that there should be a balance between the number of task and maintenance roles played, and a limited number of dysfunctional roles (Tyson 1998). Benne & Sheats define task roles as roles which facilitate and coordinate group effort in the selection and definition of a common problem, and within the process of solving of the problem (Benne & Sheats 1948). Task roles include the initiator who proposes ideas or ways of approaching the challenge; information seekers ask for facts, views or feelings, and information givers provide the information (Benne & Sheats 1948). Opinion seekers seek clarification on group member’s values, attitudes and opinions, and opinion givers provide an opinion based on the discussed matter (Benne & Sheats 1948). In direct contrast, maintenance roles contribute to aim

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