
ROWE Program At Best Buy

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Assignment #5 – Case: “ROWE Program at Best Buy”
Nekeysha LaMaupin
Professor: Charles Wittenberg
March 13, 2011


This paper is about a case study on, “ROWE Program at Best Buy” In this paper, I will describe the culture of Best Buy. I will also be discussing the approach to organizational change that the ROWE program illustrates. In addition, I will discuss the resistance, both organization and individual, that the ROWE Program had to overcome and the sources of stress that are apparent in this case. Lastly I will discuss whether or not the organizational culture has helped with the change.

1.) Describe the culture of Best Buy. Organizational culture is a system of shared …show more content…

In a ROWE, each person is free to do whatever they want, whenever they want, as long as the work gets done. Over worked employees are now allowed to take the time needed whether it is to spend time with family or get some much need rest in order to create a health work life balance. There are no set schedules or mandatory meetings and as long as you meet your deadlines and the job gets done, it is okay to work at your leisure. The ROWE program has been a success dropping voluntary turnover, increasing productivity, and improving employee satisfaction.

3.) Discuss the resistance, both organization and individual, that the ROWE program had to overcome. ROWE was only implemented in certain departments because not everyone was on board with the project. Some mangers believed certain employees needed more supervision then others and would find it difficult to work in such an environment. When Thompson proposed extending flexibility to hourly workers, the managers resisted, arguing that "there are certain people that need to be managed differently than other people. When Best Buy first transitioned to this new program, they had to take baby steps because many felt that they could not do it or still felt they had to let someone know what they had going on. The company eventually

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