
Ruining Society : Social Media Is Ruining Our Society

Satisfactory Essays

Social Media is Ruining Our Society As electronic devices excel wildly across the world, society seems to be drowning in the endless stream of social networking and communication that it has to offer. Not only have our handheld devices become our main source of communication they have also taken the place of maps, credit cards or CD’s, all the way to a child pacifier. It has become the poison of our era by consuming our lives and time. You don’t have to be face to face with anyone to have a conversation and it is easy to pretend to be someone else. Although none of them have ever said so directly, my teachers have often given the impression that they feel as though we as a society would be more productive if we weren’t so consumed by our cell phones, tablets and laptops which keep us distracted from doing our best in school. I agree that social media has become one of the major things tearing our society apart because my experiences with social media playing a major role in my personal life, bringing issues and failure, have confirmed it. If society continues to invest themselves completely into social media we will fall further down hill in every way thinkable.
We have apps such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that give us access to endless windows of information making it pointless to even bother with face to face social interactions. I’ve always believed that social media was becoming a big issue for society by consuming the minds of the younger generation, then soon taking over the older generations by being the main source for everything we need. It has become easy for us to hide behind our devices and become someone we are not rather than face reality and display our true character. When I was a child, having social media was a way to be “cool” and if you weren’t apart of the social media world you didn’t fit in. The trend caught on and spread like wildfire and as of 2016, “69% of the public use some form of social media”. (Pew Research Center) Many take advantage of hiding behind the screen and use social media to become someone they aren’t and target people. Sixty one percent of people report accepting friend requests from people they do not even know in person (Sherry Turkle) giving

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