
Running Head:Policy. . . . . . Assignment #4: Problem Solution

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Running head: POLICY

Assignment #4: Problem Solution Paper

Gemma K. Vizcocho

University of Southern California

Professor Fred P. Stone, PhD, LCSW

April 24, 2017

Introduction The mental health challenges faced by the service members and their families today are not new. (Nash et al., 2011) highlighted the alarming 10% to 18% increase of Post Stress Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) diagnoses from both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Anxiety and depression were also observed among war-zone deployments and family members left behind (Lester et al., 2010) while suicide rates rose from 0.8% in 2005 to 2.2% in 2008 across all services, according to Department of Defense’s annual anonymous health survey …show more content…

Another similarity was the in depth analysis of the five core functions of a leader which explains the leaderships role in the effective management of the COSC. For example, these core functions aid unit leaders to recognize stress among their personnel and when to react. Lastly, Stress First Aid, the third component of COSC was discussed in the articles to assist unit leaders on identifying the gravity of the service members stress level based of the stress continuum model. Stress First Aid was specifically designed for combat use but has since been adapted for use during military training and within families.
While all three articles placed some level of responsibility to the leadership, Nash (2011) placed the primary responsibility and effectiveness of COSC to the operational commanders and unit leaders. Nash (2011) carefully identified the important roles of the operational commanders (in a better position to balance the changing tactical requirements that potentially places service members in danger vice preserving the health of the force), vice the line commanders (heads and restore full spectrum of force health). Furthermore, he identified the trusted leaders and mentors as the responsible party able to destigmatized mental health disorders. (Nash et al., 2011) wrote the articles highlighting the different

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