
Trend Micro Case Analysis

Decent Essays

In the last past years, Trend Micro experienced a huge economic growth, especially in Mexico’s region. But, before 2012 there was an impacting declination in growth, in 2012 it was expected a growth of 41,4% in 2014. As can be seen in the fishbone diagram, one of the reasons was because the companies they bought didn’t have the economic effect they expected, and their products were not efficient for Trend Micro. Moreover, solutions were obsolete and were only able to solve old problems rather than new ones. This problem can also be applied on employees as they resisted to the changes, which were a must for the company, and were only prepared to solve old problems rather than new ones. Not only they were obligated change the organization and …show more content…

According to the SWOT analysis, the organization took advantage that security started to be a relevant topic for the client. Therefore, this was a inmense issue to solve for Trend Micro because as mentioned before, the technology world changes every day and employees must be able to adapt to this changes in order to succeed and for the company to grow. Furthermore, although financially they were fine, there was no growth of the expected on a technological company, competitors easily reach them Also, clients didn’t consider Trend Micro, neither old ones considered them anymore and stop buying them. What is more, there were issues with moral values, people started to quit because they didn’t see a potential growth. If some competitors were in decline, as can be seen in the SWOT analysis, there were new small competitors that found a niche in the market with solutions that Trend Micro did not provide and started taking over their sells as started producing better products. However, some competitors such as McAfee was confused and was a decline, and this was a tremendous opportunity for

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