
Sadistic Personality Disorder And Children

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Sadistic Personality Disorder in Children Review of literature indicates that Henry from The Good Son (1993) exhibits sadistic behavior throughout the film. Abnormal mental behavior of any kind in children is an important topic of study in psychology. There are many different kinds of mental illnesses that some children can exhibit and form into their adulthood (Hucker, 2012). Sadistic Personality Disorder is unfortunately one of the illnesses. Henry from The Good Son (1993) is a prime example of Sadistic Personality Disorder in children. Questions of Sadistic Personality Disorder include,
1. What is Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?;
2. What causes Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?; and
3. What can be done about Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?
These are some of the questions that are asked and can be answered through a review of literature. Children with these illnesses are studied to find the reasons of the illness and to solve the problem. The cause of the illness is also identified when study’s take place.
What is Sadistic Personality Disorder in children? Sadistic Personality Disorder is defined as an individual 's pattern of cruel, harsh, aggressive, intimidating, humiliating, and demeaning behavior (Levesque, 2011). Henry from The Good Son (1993) exhibits this behavior by killing, threatening, etc. This disorder begins in childhood and is consistent thereafter (Hucker, 2012), as seen in Henry. This behavior

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