
Safety Climate And Safety Behaviour

Decent Essays

In this article; Safety Climate and Safety Behaviour, written by Andrew Neal and Mark Griffin (2002), these authors provide research to exemplify the importance of a safety climate. A safety climate is required to obtain proper safety behaviours in an organization’s workers. These authors developed a model based on a five year study to convey the importance of a safety-first climate (Neal and Griffin, 2002). Components are utilized to link the relationship of a safety-first climate in the workplace are leadership support, safety knowledge, safety motivation, and safety behaviours. To support this model, these authors utilize various research results from numerous studies. This paper will also inform the reader on the importance of safety …show more content…

First, there needs to be top management support, lead, and buy-in to enforce a safe and healthy work environment. Next, the front line workers need to emphasize the stress of protecting all individuals from hazards. Safety-first organizations can also be seen celebrating safety and health milestones resulting from such high expectations. In addition, a safety-first organization will also focus on customer safety as related to their products. The organization will also stress the importance of safety to the suppliers that help make the product. Informal rules of behaviour while employees are on the job will be seen from a safety-first culture. Finally, employee’s attitude and behaviours that promote safety and health reveal that the organization has achieved a safety-first culture.
To assist achievement of the safety-first culture mentioned above, the authors developed a research model to measure overall performance. This model utilizes three data points to research an organizations safety performance. The first data point utilizes upper management and leadership as antecedents. Antecedents are individuals that indirectly affect the behaviours of the entire organization in regards to knowledge, skill, or motivation (Neal and Griffin, 2002). Antecedents are normally considered as upper management. These antecedent individuals are normally the organizations Company Executive Officers (CEOs), or Directors.

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