
Sample Case Study Scenarios

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Reporting party (RP) is a Psych Coordinator at Stein Ed Center in National City. RP suspects physical abuse against resident Rea Santonil (10/15/81). The resident is diagnosed with Moderate Intellectual Disability and Schizophrenia. The resident attends the program Monday thru Friday from 8am-2pm. On 7/25/17, the resident arrived at the program crying. The resident went to the bathroom and took all her clothes off and exited the bathroom. RP observed that the resident was covered in bruises all over her body; she had 3 scratches on her right breast, bruises on her back and shoulders, a bruise on her left eye, a cut on her left big toe and scratches on the bottom of her legs. The resident speaks Tagalog and the facility does not have staff that

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