
Sample Resume : The Orrville Area United Way Essay

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The Orrville Area United Way was founded in 1958 by a group of citizens concerned with the growing poverty in Orrville, Dalton, and Marshallville. They focused their efforts on the children in the area. In 1986, Helen was hired part-time and when the Executive Director retired, Helen was offered the position.
The current Executive Director, Helen, has been with the organization for over 30 years. In 2014, after finishing my Bachelor’s degree in philosophy, I was offered a position as Administrative Assistant with the Orrville Area United Way. We are a two person office with over 150 volunteers, raising over $600,000 each year for programs run through 26 partner agencies.
When deciding to accept the position, it was under the terms that I would be salary, paid at $20,400 per year for 35 hours per week, and bank my overtime for hours off at my choosing. The flexible schedule allowed me to seek my Master’s degree. The reason that I chose to take the job was that United Way helped me when I was living as a single mom in poverty. The Executive Director of the Orrville Area United Way had been source of support for me through the difficult emotional process of going back to school. I chose to work in the non-profit sector because have a passion for the work.
In May 2016, President Obama and Secretary Perez announced The Fair Labor Standards Act, intended to require employers to compensate employees for overtime. The FLSA was designed to extend overtime protections to

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