The Orrville Area United Way was founded in 1958 by a group of citizens concerned with the growing poverty in Orrville, Dalton, and Marshallville. They focused their efforts on the children in the area. In 1986, Helen was hired part-time and when the Executive Director retired, Helen was offered the position.
The current Executive Director, Helen, has been with the organization for over 30 years. In 2014, after finishing my Bachelor’s degree in philosophy, I was offered a position as Administrative Assistant with the Orrville Area United Way. We are a two person office with over 150 volunteers, raising over $600,000 each year for programs run through 26 partner agencies.
When deciding to accept the position, it was under the terms that I would be salary, paid at $20,400 per year for 35 hours per week, and bank my overtime for hours off at my choosing. The flexible schedule allowed me to seek my Master’s degree. The reason that I chose to take the job was that United Way helped me when I was living as a single mom in poverty. The Executive Director of the Orrville Area United Way had been source of support for me through the difficult emotional process of going back to school. I chose to work in the non-profit sector because have a passion for the work.
In May 2016, President Obama and Secretary Perez announced The Fair Labor Standards Act, intended to require employers to compensate employees for overtime. The FLSA was designed to extend overtime protections to
Overtime: Federal overtime provisions can be found in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Employees who are not exempt from overtime regulations are covered by the Act and employers are required to provide them with overtime pay for hours worked
than $5.15 an hour. Overtime pay at a rate of not less than one and
The Fair Labor Standards Act was first developed by Hugo Black, a senator from Alabama, in 1932. Senator Black saw a problem that existed with people in the workforce being overworked and underpaid and wanted to provide a solution. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a strong supporter of this effort and stood behind Senator Black. According to President Roosevelt, the FLSA was “the most far-reaching, far-sighted program for the benefit of workers ever adopted in this or any other country.” During this time, workers in several different industries were faced with
According to SMBGC’s website, SMBGC’s mission is to “inspire and enable young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential” ( “Those who need us must” refers definitely to the miracles of our lives: the children. SMBGC’s child focused mission is a value for the community, which is important and relevant to consider. It was the significant reason that I wanted to participate at this site.
Response: My background consists of multiple years of management experience within many varying industries. I have been with Habitat for Humanity for just under ten years representing all HR functions since the organization is a small affiliate. I also hold a bachelor’s degree and various certifications.
If you own a business that has employees (other than yourself), you may, at some point, need the help of a Fair Labor Standards attorney. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), enacted in 1938, established minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping and child labor standards affecting full- and part-time workers in both the private and public sectors. As an employer, you must adhere to the provisions of the FLSA or face these legal or criminal actions that only an experienced Fair Labor Standards attorney can assist you with:
How will the new FLSA laws affect you? If you are making $47,476 a year or less, the new FLSA laws require your employer to pay you overtime after you work over forty hours in a week. If you are making over $47,476 a year you will not be paid overtime because your are considered overtime exempt. Being overtime exempt means you make enough money for your employer to legally not pay you overtime.
The Fair Labor Standards Act has been amended many times and is virtually an ever-changing law, however, it does not cover all employees. There are several classes of “exempt” employees, including salaried employees in the executive/managerial, administrative, and professional areas. Outside salespeople are also considered exempt. One of the issues facing companies today is knowing which employees are exempt and which are non-exempt. There are tests to determine if an employee is exempt. In 2004 the tests changed to a standard test, which is whether or not the employee’s salary is $455/week or greater and the duties test, which allows for exempt status if more than 50% of the work performed by an individual is “exempt work.” (Pass and Broadwater) Exempt employees do not receive overtime pay, which can be a substantial cost savings to a company. My previous employer required that an exempt manager close the center each night even though we had non-exempt team leads who acted as managers in most capacities. The reason was to avoid overtime costs.
United Way’s past strategies that leadership has tried in the past was trying to raise money through as many clients as possible. Brian Gallagher currently the CEO has made a dramatic change in the company’s approach. Brian established new membership’s standards to enhance the level of accountability. He changes the company’s image of just fund raising to doing what matters in the community. Brian believes this will lead to less finger pointing about where is the money donate going to and this will be proof. The past strategies were successful because of record reaching donations that United Way has once reached but like all things must evolve in order to survive.
Everyone who is employed within this agency, which is roughly 75 employees among the Atascosa agency, must have obtained a BA in sociology or something similar. She explained the number one issue she faces with this career, is the idea that she is only one human being. She feels tied down at times because she is only human, and only able to do one thing at a time. She wishes to help those in need all day everyday. Their mission statement is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to assisting children and families in achieving their fullest potential through a continuum of program and services. She gave me the exact number of individuals they have helped to date, 10,883,327. This agency has such an intriguing story, which is why I chose this agency. Every dollar given to this agency makes a huge impact. The more this agency has, the more they return. They take the responsibility given to them under huge consideration and manage every aspect given. The heart of their vision is to be the hands and feet of Christ; to provide care, service and compassion that is pleasing to the Lord and honors his love for all
Luckily, one of the New Deal programs, the Fair Labor Standard Act, which set down standards for the basic minimum wage and overtime pay while affecting most private and public employment, protected workers rights for them to not suffer like they had been suffering for the last years.
boards all have same spirit about how we can help people and so I have no doubt that those board members that I've met can all help me.
Considered to be a landmark, in 1938 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act. The nation was experiencing social and economic development of judicial opposition and depression. This law set national minimum wages and maximum hours workers can be required to work. Incorporated into this law are overtime pay and established standards to prevent child-labor abuse. Consequently, in 1963 an amendment was made to this law, which prohibited wage discrimination against women.
As previously stated, in 2009 a adjustment to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was added. This
In addition to the above Ecobank streamline corporates’ collection procedures that will enable them to extract additional liquidity in working capital – from the point when an order is made up to cash realization.