
Scoring With A 10 : Not Everything You Think It Is

Decent Essays

Scoring with a 10: Not Everything You Think it Is.

Picture the perfect 10. Everyone’s perfect 10 is different. My brother’s is Kate Upton’s body with Angelina Jolie’s Face. It all really just depends on your preference. But what happens when the magical creature you’ve been fantasizing about for years is actually real? And even more shocking, they are interested in you. It almost gives you the sense that you are winning the dating game.

But is hooking up with someone so far out of your league really a score? Or does it set your standards so high you basically take yourself off the market?

My 10 happened to come in the form of a 6’7, division one basketball player from a different school. Needless to say, the athleticism and height alone would have gotten him a right swipe. But the razor sharp jawline, huge brown puppy eyes, and abs that would put “The Situation” to shame, he was not A perfect 10, but THE perfect 10. And DEFINITELY out of my league. If he was a D1 athlete, I was playing little league. I’ve never been one to go for someone based solely on looks alone; a sense of humor has always appealed to me more than muscles. But mostly, I never thought I had a chance with someone who had muscles. This mentality left me dating and hooking up with people between the 4-7 range, since we all know that genetically gifted people never have to develop a personality. It’s us average people, “normals” if you will, who either had braces, acne, or were fat in middle school. Us

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