
Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan

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Security Sector Reform (SSR) first emerged in the 1990s around Eastern Europe. SSR can help fix dysfunctional security sectors in countries emerging from years of internal warfare. The armed forces and police embrace a new mission of meeting the human security needs of their population. SSR targets all state institutions and ensures the security of the state and its people. Security Sector Reform is optional as well as a “normative concept.” Afghanistan is working on SSR and it is an ongoing struggle for the countries. The goal of SSR in the countries is to organize a way to achieve peace so that the people may not fear the armed soldiers and establish democratic control. Security Sector Reform contributes to sustainable peace in Afghanistan in many ways. Afghanistan is struggling to sustain the peace; however, Security Sector Reform is the best way for them to head. SSR will not work out smoothly unless fairness and economic needs are met in the countries. Foreign aid and economic development agencies say that foreign aid will not sustain economic development unless the aid is distributed equitably and unless threshold conditions of domestic security have been met, even if effectively utilized in the recipient countries (Kurian). A large security sector is a drain on the limited resources of developing countries. It would be more beneficial to use the resources in certain programs that improve the lives of the people. The reform will therefore last longer and peace can

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