The self-assessment test I took determined that in a group setting I most embody the role of an encourager who praises and supports the ideas of other team members. To a lesser extent, I also embody the role of an initiator who identifies the goals of a meeting and figures out ways to work towards those goals.
The results of this self-assessment make sense to me because I feel that I bring a positive, upbeat attitude to the workplace, and provide the motivation and support my co-workers often need to carry out their tasks.
While most people focus on the negative events that befall their lives, I like to remind them that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. A negative attitude can’t fix your problems and will probably keep you
Thinking positively can be a difficult task, no matter the circumstance. When negativity fills you up like helium in a balloon you should always try to find the light in the darkness. Thinking positively doesn’t make the hard times disappear, it helps you survive negativity and the daily conflicts that challenge you. Looking on the bright side of things increases attentiveness, improves your ability to think, and leads to happier thoughts (Psychology Today). No matter what you are going through, you should always stay optimistic. “Man’s Search for Meaning” and “Dear Miss Breed” are great examples of how having a bright outlook can help you survive conflict.
“Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.” - Albert Einstein. This quote is telling us that we should be positive, even in rough times.
Looking on the "brighter side" of things encourages positive attitudes as well as positive behavior. Shay Carl is a YouTube personality whom I've watched constantly for self motivation, he turned his life around through making the personal choice to wake up everyday and smile, and to look at himself in the mirror and flaunt his features instead of being ashamed to take his shirt off at the beach. At age 25 he weighed 350 pounds. Everyday he looked at himself with shame and disgust, he refused to allow positivity into his life because he believed there was nothing positive about himself that needed praise. One day he decided to stop the pity and to be happy even when he didn't want to, even when life would through massive curve balls at him, he was optimistic at all costs. He lost 200 pounds and had 5 kids. Carl posted daily videos of his progress in hopes to inspire other to follow in his footsteps. With over 4 million subscribes, he managed to create a unity of positive people with the same hopes as he did; to change their lives simply by choosing happiness. A positive attitude leads to a positive life. There are numerous aspects to being an optimist, and making the personal choice to be happy is only the first step to
There are times in this world when rolling out of bed and putting on a brave face is the only thing that seems sensible enough to get you through the day. You slurp down your morning cup of coffee, glare at yourself in the mirror, and wonder what’s the point of it all? Why am I living my life half exhausted wandering from place to place doing what I’m told when I’m told to make myself a living? This is exactly how a pessimist often thinks;, they tend to see only the worst in a scenario or believe that only the lowest possible situation will happen. I have chosen not to live my life like that, I have chosen to not only try to lead each day with a positive mind and a healthy attitude, but I have also decided to spread optimism to others by the simple gestures such as a smile. I will admit that at times being an optimistic person isn’t always easy because
The leadership self-assessment above indicates own leadership strengths, specifically interpersonal skills. These skills include verbal and non-verbal communication, negotiation, problem-solving, and assertiveness. As a matter of point, interpersonal skills build strong working relationship among employees, hence, improving efficiency in management. Besides, political skills help to manage the organizational politics and reduce workplace conflicts (Hersey, Ken, and Dewey 15). However, self-assessment indicated some weakness in analytical and drama fairness skills that needs development.
| Groups also have members who play certain social roles: * Encourager: Praises the ideas of others. * Harmonizer: Mediates differences between group members. * Compromiser: Moves group to another position that is favored by all group members. * Gatekeeper/expediter: Keeps communication channels open. * Standard Setter: Suggests standards or criteria for the group to achieve. * Group observer: Keeps records of group activities and uses this information to offer feedback to the group. * Follower: Goes along with the group and accepts the group 's ideas (Roles in Groups, 1999).
What area do you want to focus on? What are your learning needs based on reflection and self-assessment?
I have received a professional bachelor degree in Finance, specializing in banking and insurance, where I have gained excellent theoretical and practical knowledge in finance analysis, management, accounting, statistics, and technology. Currently I am studying at XXX University to obtain MBA in International Banking and Finance. My expectation is that with an MBA, my strengths will position me to pursue a broader scope of practice within other fields than audit, and in a variety of settings beyond the financial services with which I am most familiar.
* precise and focused on the experiences of and impact on children and young people
According to Conte, Weiner, and Plutchik, the average score for most people, regardless of age, is 8.5. My score shocked me a little because I would think I worry about death a lot but consider to this questionnaire I am not that concern. I scored a 3, it was lower than the average score that these researchers found. I believe my score was low because I am deciding to make plans for my future and if I decide to get marry and have children the will not have to worry about anything except live their life and work hard. I want to get all of my debt settled and pay out all the bills so that my family would not have to worry. I do not believe anyone would forget about me because there will always be photos and videos to remember me by whether it
I chose to assess myself positively in all of the categories because I felt that I did a good job of thoroughly responding to and completing each of the requirements. I came to the discussion with a several page response to each of the four questions that I posed in relation to the text, complete with a highlighted and annotated copy of the story to use as a reference point. During the discussion itself, I referred to how the specific actions of each of the characters in the story might be interpreted and related in a more broad sense to the meaning of the work as a whole. For example, I spoke at one point about how the actions of the wife seemed inconsistent with the continuous importance placed on the value of honor within the story, as her
My score on the self-assessment evaluation was 84, and according to that I “listen well”, but I know I can work to improve that. One of my lower scores from bad listening habits was “Giving in to mental distractions” and “Judging a speaker on personal appearance”.
Being able to self-assess will help me increase my critical thinking skills as well as helping me make better decisions in life. Self- assessments encourage me to learn new concepts about myself. I really liked taking these assessments because it lets you know exactly where you lack at and what your strengths are. As said in the recognize what new tasks and subjects i need to put a little more time in. Applying this information to my professional life is going to help me make responsible decisions when i'm working. Also while i'm working in a restaurant it helps me to work with diverse people. So in my personal life and in my professional life in going to work smarter not harder as i read in the orientation packet unit 2. Learning that self-assessment
The course, Developing the Professional, has assisted me immensely in developing cognitive, analytical, communication skills. Earlier self-assessment showed great contrast to present ideology. Progressive and sequential professional and personal assessment allowed for gradual deviation from cemented traits and practices. Previous academic pieces showed where I identified mostly with the “square” shape, my level of emotional intelligence ranked below mastery in areas of social awareness, self-management, and relationship management, and the need to master the respectable and ethical mind. The assigned group work tested the knowledge acquired from these assessments. Thereon, I was able to redefine personal ideals to adapt to the needs of a group
Hi everyone! My name is Lindsay Meissner and I have just started with Paragon Testing as the Preparation Programs Administrator. In this role, I will be administering the ACPP through tasks such as processing reporting forms, surveys, and discounts. I am very excited to join the ACPP team and I look forward to supporting the ACPP Centres as best as I